Date Published
Hermes Frangoudis
Word count
Hacker News points


This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to build a Dockerfile for deploying an Agora Recording Server within your backend orchestration. The author assumes that the reader has a basic understanding of Docker and has it installed locally, along with a developer account with Agora and an Agora-based live streaming or communications app. The process involves creating a Dockerfile in a code editor, setting up the container to use the latest Ubuntu image as its base, installing necessary packages/tools, downloading the Agora Linux SDK, unzipping it, running make, and exposing required ports. The AppID is also needed for the Recording Server to join the channel. Finally, the Dockerfile can be built and run using docker build and docker run commands respectively. Testing of the recording server can be done using an Agora Live Streaming web or native app, or a group chat web app if no custom app is available. The logs from the container should indicate successful recording when multiple streams are tested. The next steps suggested by the author include comparing Dockerfiles and deploying this one to your cloud services provider, either through a Serverless function or an always-on service. For more information about the Agora On-Prem Recording SDK, refer to the provided resources.