Date Published
Meherdeep Thakur
Word count
Hacker News points


In this tutorial, a 3D hangout environment is created using Unity 2019.4.1 (LTS) and Agora's RTM signaling layer. The setup includes video chat in the 3D environment and messaging features. Users can join or create channels to communicate with others within the network. To get started, users need an Agora account and install the necessary SDKs from Unity Asset Store and GitHub. The UI layout consists of two main states: an introductory panel for choosing a username and joining the lobby channel, and a second state containing a panel displaying active channels, input field to instantiate new channels, and a logout button. The AgoraEngine script manages video channel joining and leaving, while the UIManager updates available active channels and adjusts the UI accordingly. The RtmEngine is responsible for connecting to Agora's signaling layer and sending text messages through the network. Finally, users need to fill in their App ID in the editor and can join the Agora Developer Slack community for further assistance.