Date Published
Devin Rader
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Ably, a realtime data delivery platform, has introduced support for React Hooks in its JavaScript SDK. This integration allows developers to efficiently and idiomatically integrate Ably's realtime functionality into their React-based applications. The use of React Hooks enhances code quality, maintainability, and performance while making it easier to integrate with the Ably platform. Ably's suite of React Hooks features includes the AblyProvider component for setting up the Ably client, useChannel hook for subscribing to a channel and receiving messages, usePresence hook for subscribing to presence events on a channel, useConnectionStateListener hook for attaching a listener to be notified of connection state changes in the Ably client, useChannelStateListener hook for attaching a listener to be notified of channel state changes, and useAbly hook for accessing the Ably client instance provided by the AblyProvider context.