Date Published
John Selvinraj
Word count
Hacker News points


RTCPeerConnection is a core component of the WebRTC API, enabling direct peer-to-peer communication between web browsers or devices without an intermediary server. It allows for the exchange of audio, video, and arbitrary data directly between clients. Before the advent of RTCPeerConnection and WebRTC, real-time communication on the web was more complex and less efficient, with limitations in terms of performance, security, compatibility, and user experience. RTCPeerConnection addresses these challenges by providing cross-browser compatibility, direct peer-to-peer communication, eliminating the need for plugins, enhancing security through end-to-end encryption, improving scalability and lowering costs, and offering a standardized API supported by most modern web browsers. The establishment of an RTCPeerConnection involves initialization, media stream acquisition, creating offer/answer, signaling process, ICE candidate exchange, connection establishment, data exchange, and connection monitoring and maintenance. Event handlers play a crucial role in managing the dynamic aspects of peer connections in web applications by responding to various events generated during the lifecycle of an RTCPeerConnection object. These include onicecandidate, ontrack, onconnectionstatechange, ondatachannel, onnegotiationneeded, oniceconnectionstatechange, and onicegatheringstatechange. To connect peer-to-peer on WebRTC, create RTCPeerConnection objects on both peers, exchange offer/answer and ICE candidates between peers using a signaling server, and use the connection for media/data exchange once established. Peer-to-peer communication in WebRTC, including RTCPeerConnection, uses IP addresses to establish direct links between peers.