Companies competing in this space

Name Stage Founded
100ms Series A 2020
Ably Series B 2016
Bandwidth public 1999
Mux Series D 2015
Nylas Series C 2014
Postmark Series C 2003
Stream Series B 2014
Twilio public 2008
Vonage acquired 2001

About this competitive space

Infrastructure such as back end services and front end components for adding communications to web and mobile applications, either with a specific use case such as talk to support, or generally so people can communicate with each other. These are typically provided as APIs or other hosted infrastructure for communications in one or more formats such as chat, SMS, voice, video, email, and/or messaging services.

Metrics about companies in this space

Average blog post output per month

Name Average output Total all time
Twilio 26.1 5640
Vonage 3.2 957
Mux 3.0 401
Ably 3.0 362
100ms 1.6 116
Bandwidth 1.1 355
Postmark 1.1 290
Nylas Not yet available. Not yet available.
Stream Not yet available. Not yet available.

YouTube subscribers by company