165 Hacker News submissions for Hasura

HN Points HN Title (Links to submission) Submitted Date
259 Show HN: Hasura – A Postgres BaaS and Kubernetes PaaS on Your Own Infrastructure 2017-02-24
137 Deploying a ReasonML React app with Docker 2018-02-06
121 A REST View of GraphQL 2020-07-07
102 Guide to Writing Dockerfiles for Go Web-Apps 2018-02-05
98 Set up a production-ready realtime GraphQL backend 2018-11-20
89 Build and Deploy Serverless React Apps with Next.js 8 and Zeit Now 2019-02-21
84 Hasura – A Batteries-included App Development Platform 2015-05-09
82 Writing Dockerfiles for Node.js Web Apps 2018-02-08
79 Draft, Gitkube, Helm, Ksonnet, Metaparticle, Skaffold – Comparison of K8s Tools 2018-03-30
61 Debugging a TCP socket leak in a Kubernetes cluster 2018-04-17
44 How to Write Dockerfiles for Python Web Apps 2018-02-27
24 A GraphQL client library without queries: Building a movie app with gqless 2020-03-20
24 Show HN: Hasura: High performance GraphQL on Postgres 2018-04-19
23 Import existing postgres db and get a GraphQL back end and access control 2018-04-20
20 Hasura GraphQL Engine 2.0 2021-02-25
19 Show HN: Clone and deploy boilerplate and readymade apps instantly 2017-12-08
15 How I deployed a Julia web-app using Genie framework with Docker 2018-02-14
15 Using Postgres as Cron 2021-03-29
15 Build Cross Platform Vue Apps with Quasar Framework and GraphQL 2019-03-20
13 Show HN: Hasura Cloud: Managed GraphQL for your database and services 2020-06-22
13 Introducing live reloading on the cloud for faster development 2018-05-10
13 GraphQL and Geo-Location on Postgres Using Hasura 2018-05-02
13 Using Gatsby for a web app with dynamic content – A case study 2018-04-05
12 Show HN: Query an RDBMS in JSON (an interactive demo) – Hasura 2015-11-22
11 Learn GraphQL by Doing: The 2 Hour GraphQL Tutorial for Front End Developers 2019-05-25
11 Hasura Cloud: Managed GraphQL for your database and services 2020-06-22
11 Frontiers of App Development: A Story of Containers and Kubernetes 2015-11-10
10 Using Kubernetes to Power Asia’s Largest MOOC 2017-04-05
10 Pangaea: Point and Shoot Kubernetes with Exactly One Command 2015-12-02
8 The S3 outage or: How you can learn to stop worrying and love the multi-cloud 2017-03-08
8 Graphqurl v1.0: Open-source cURL for GraphQL with autocomplete and subscriptions 2021-05-21
8 Effect of Intel's CPU power management while benchmarking a Haskell server 2020-04-14
8 Architecture of a high performance GraphQL to SQL server 2018-05-03
8 Getting started with HDFS on Kubernetes 2018-02-13
8 Building a GraphQL to SQL Compiler on Postgres, MS SQL and MySQL 2021-04-30
8 Instant GraphQL on AWS RDS 2018-08-21
8 GKE vs. AKS vs. EKS: State of Managed Kubernetes 2018-06-13
7 Show HN: Hasura GraphQL Data Connector SDK to add GraphQL API to any data source 2022-06-28
7 The Architect's Dilemma: Navigating the World of GraphQL 2023-11-16
7 Updates to Hasura Pricing and Plans 2023-02-02
7 Effect of Intel's CPU power management while benchmarking a Haskell server 2020-04-20
7 Our $100M Series C financing 2022-02-22
7 Build JAMStack powered react-static sites using GraphQL on Postgres 2019-02-12
6 The Guide to Handling JWTs on Front End Clients (2019) 2020-06-27
6 Show HN: Build chatbots in minutes 2017-12-27
6 Show HN: Instant streaming APIs with built-in auth for new or existing Postgres 2022-09-06
6 Hasura 2.0 Engineering Overview 2021-03-18
6 Why we chose TypeScript for the Hasura Console? 2020-03-19
6 Building stateful apps using serverless and Postgres 2019-03-14
6 Service Worker Caching Strategies for Progressive Web Apps 2018-03-15
6 The unofficial guide to JSONB operators in Postgres – Part 1 2015-11-13
5 GraphQL Joins for federating data across GraphQL services 2022-04-28
5 Migrating from CircleCI to Buildkite 2021-11-23
5 Hasura Authorization System Through Examples 2020-05-05
5 Authorization rules for a multi-tenant system – Google cloud platform 2020-05-03
5 The Guide to handling JWTs on front end clients (GraphQL) 2020-04-21
5 Making data access easy for Serverless using GraphQL 2020-02-19
5 Managing PostgreSQL Database Migrations via UI 2020-02-06
5 Using TimescaleDB with Hasura GraphQL 2018-08-31
5 Hasura – Lightweight GraphQL on Postgres 2018-07-12
5 Why not use a JSON DSL instead of GraphQL? 2018-04-24
5 Our philosophy as a BaaS 2016-01-29
4 Open Source Tutorials on Fullstack GraphQL, Hasura and Databases 2021-10-28
4 Launching Hasura DDN: the first metadata-driven data access layer 2024-08-28
4 GraphQL vs. REST 2022-05-12
4 Building REST from GraphQL – an story of engineering in Haskell 2021-03-03
4 Hasura Remote Joins: Join Across Your DB and Other APIs 2020-06-09
4 CouchDB style sync and conflict resolution on Postgres with Hasura 2020-04-29
4 A Design Guide for Building Offline First Apps 2020-02-14
4 Handling JWTs on front end clients 2019-09-16
4 Build and Deploy Realtime Svelte 3 Apps Using GraphQL 2019-05-23
4 Git Push to Deploy Serverless Lambdas Using CircleCI 2019-03-14
4 Upsert Queries on Postgres Using Hasura's GraphQL APIs 2018-05-09
4 Deploying your HTML / CSS / JavaScript webapp in under a minute with Hasura 2017-06-21
3 The State of GraphQL 2022 2022-10-20
3 A graph is not a set of nodes. Getting to the root of GraphQL complaints 2023-10-11
3 Scaling front end app teams using Relay 2023-09-01
3 “Tired of Todos”: Real-World GraphQL Ecommerce App via Next/PG/TS/Stripe/Hasura 2021-07-22
3 Show HN: Trigger webhooks on database events (Postgres) 2018-09-11
3 Sharing a local docker registry with minikube 2017-05-03
3 Open Source Hasura GraphQL Engine v3 2023-12-20
3 Instant GraphQL backend with Hasura and Neon in under 100 seconds 2022-10-18
3 Choosing a FaaS (Function as a Service) provider in 2021 2021-11-02
3 Top PostgreSQL Flavours and Extensions 2021-07-14
3 Hasura Design Patterns: Content Enhancement with Reactive Programming 2021-06-07
3 Building Applications with Cloudflare Workers and Hasura GraphQL Engine 2021-05-12
3 Show HN: Testing GraphQL APIs Using Karate DSL 2021-04-26
3 Hasura’s design philosophy – building a data API for all data sources 2020-09-25
3 Hasura releases Scheduled Triggers: API driven cron jobs and scheduled events 2020-07-27
3 Hasura GraphQL v1.3 – Data Federation, Relay and Scheduled Triggers 2020-07-20
3 Turn Your Node.js REST API to GraphQL 2020-07-14
3 Hasura Cloud: GraphQL Infrastructure as a Service 2020-06-29
3 Effect of Intel's power management on webservers 2020-04-17
3 Challenges in Building Offline First Apps 2020-02-24
3 Blazing Fast GraphQL Execution with Query Caching and Prepared Statements 2020-01-31
3 The pros and cons of updatable views in Postgres 2020-01-31
3 Building an offline first web app with RxDB and Hasura 2020-01-13
3 Show HN: Learn to Use Realtime GraphQL with ReasonML in 2 Hours 2019-07-26
3 Create Nuxt.js Universal Apps Using GraphQL and Postgres 2019-01-30
3 Using Custom Sql Functions for Queries with Postgres and GraphQL 2019-01-29
3 Create Gatsby Sites Using GraphQL on Postgres 2018-10-03
3 How I deployed a Rust web-app using the Rocket framework with Docker 2018-02-16
3 The easiest way to deploy Metabase using Docker, Kubernetes 2017-03-16
3 Postgres Containment Operators: Part 2 – Performance Comparison with MongoDB 2015-11-20
2 Compiling GraphQL for optimal performance: going beyond Dataloader 2023-10-27
2 Announcing Hasura DDN in Beta 2024-04-09
2 Improving Hasura's Internal PR Review Process 2023-01-06
2 Building real-time chat apps with GraphQL streaming subscriptions 2022-10-05
2 Hasura Authentication with FusionAuth 2022-08-26
2 Realtime Games for the Web with WebRTC and Hasura GraphQL Subscriptions 2022-03-10
2 Graphqurl v1.0: Curl for GraphQL 2021-05-20
2 Azure Active Directory Integration with Hasura JWT Claims Mapping 2021-04-07
2 Exploring TimeScaleDB 2.0 with Hasura 2021-02-15
2 GraphQL Data Fetching with SWR React Hooks and Hasura 2020-12-14
2 Parser Combinators: A Walkthrough 2020-12-04
2 Hasura Data Dictionary: An open source project to understand your data graph 2020-11-25
2 Hasura Monitoring with Datadog 2020-11-24
2 Build a full-stack app with RedwoodJS and GraphQL 2020-11-11
2 AWS Aurora: Is it for you? 2020-11-10
2 Hasura now comes with preview support for MySQL 2020-09-24
2 Turn Your Ruby on Rails REST API to GraphQL 2020-08-26
2 Haskell in Poduction 2020-07-22
2 Nulls in GraphQL: Cheatsheet 2020-05-18
2 Adding custom business logic to Hasura using Dark 2020-05-04
2 Game on Building a Unity Leaderboard with GraphQL and Hasura 2020-05-02
2 Building a UI for Postgres Migrations 2020-02-07
2 Remote Joins with Hasura and FaunaDB 2019-08-08
2 Authentication and Authorization with Vue.js Apps Using GraphQL 2019-04-01
2 Building a Progressive Todo Web App with Vuetify, Vuex and GraphQL 2019-03-26
2 Postgres triggers on GraphQL mutations 2018-09-25
2 Postgres JSON and JSONB Type Support on GraphQL 2018-09-13
2 Using Custom SQL Functions for Queries with Postgres and GraphQL 2018-09-11
2 The ultimate guide to GraphQL schema stitching 2018-08-23
2 Bulk update and delete mutations using the Hasura GraphQL Engine 2018-08-22
2 A Postgres-backed GraphQL engine deployed to heroku in 15 seconds 2018-07-16
2 Show HN: Yodabots – Boilerplates for Slack and Alexa Chatbots Feat. Yoda 2017-12-15
1 Building a GraphQL server with Netflix DGS: An unfiltered review 2024-03-04
1 The Why of GraphQL Client Side Nullability in Examples 2023-08-17
1 A Guide to the ROI on GraphQL 2024-05-01
1 Benchmarked: Dataloader vs. GraphQL to SQL Compilation 2023-11-17
1 nonw 2023-02-06
1 Critical Vulnerability in Hasura GraphQL Engine v2.10.0 2022-12-08
1 Comparing Serverless Functions Providers: Vercel vs. Netlify vs. Gatsby Cloud 2021-12-01
1 Top ways to write a custom GraphQL Server with production ready features 2021-11-11
1 Things you wish you knew about PostgreSQL for building an app 2021-06-21
1 GraphQL IDEs you should know about 2021-03-25
1 Turn Your Python REST API to GraphQL 2020-08-14
1 Implementing scheduling logic for calendar app with Scheduled Triggers in Hasura 2020-08-10
1 Experiments with Arduino and Hasura – Building a room temperature sensor 2020-08-05
1 Building a customizable e-commerce back end with Hasura GraphQL APIs 2020-05-01
1 Exploring Hasura GraphQL as a Headless CMS 2019-10-22
1 Adding dynamic content to statically generated JAMStack sites 2019-10-15
1 Optimistic UI and Clobbering 2019-08-05
1 Managing optimistic UI updates and clobbering 2019-08-02
1 Guide to create SSR Next.js Websites Using GraphQL with Postgres 2018-11-19
1 Using Postgres Date/Time Data Types in GraphQL 2018-09-21
1 Improving JavaScript Test Automation Time by 3x Using Cypress 2018-09-20
1 GraphQL schema on Postgres with foreign keys and without foreign keys 2018-09-19
1 Bulk insert mutations with GraphQL 2018-09-18
1 Atomic set and increment operators for GraphQL mutations 2018-09-11
1 Advantages of Postgres views and using Hasura’s GraphQL APIs to query them 2018-05-11
1 A guide for evaluating the effort involved in migrating a webapp to Gatsby 2018-04-11
1 DevOps journey for a Rails programmer – Hasura 2017-06-23
6 Show HN: PromptQL – Solving Context Size and Accuracy Issues in LLM Tool Calling 2024-12-18
2 Approaching 100% accuracy on RAG with planning 2025-01-15