
Industrial Problem-Solving through Domain-Specific Models and Agentic AI: A Semiconductor Manufacturing Case Study

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The semiconductor industry faces a critical shortage of specialized expertise, impacting project timelines and innovation. General-purpose AI models often fall short in specialized industrial applications. Domain-specific language models like SemiKong are being developed to address this gap by incorporating domain-specific knowledge. Aitomatic's Open Small Specialist Agents (OpenSSA) architecture leverages the deep industry knowledge embedded in SemiKong to create agentic AI systems capable of complex decision-making in semiconductor manufacturing. Milvus, a high-performance vector database, plays a crucial role in enabling advanced AI applications in industrial settings by providing efficient retrieval and storage of complex manufacturing data. The combination of domain-specific language models, agentic AI systems, and vector databases has several implications for the semiconductor industry, including addressing expertise shortages, accelerating innovation in manufacturing processes, and enhancing process optimization and efficiency.


Date published
Oct. 9, 2024

Simon Mwaniki

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None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.