
Why Nutanix Beam Selected Apache Pulsar over Apache Kafka

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Apache Pulsar is a distributed messaging system used by hundreds of companies to solve various problems at scale. Nutanix, a leader in cloud software and hyperconverged infrastructure solutions, uses Apache Pulsar for message streaming, queuing, event sourcing, and general pub-sub use cases. The company chose Pulsar over Kafka due to its robust features and active community support. As of now, Nutanix has 1,700 topics in production with a single producer producing 0.2 million messages per minute and a consumer consuming up to 0.7 million messages per minute. The company plans to use additional Pulsar features like functions, transactions, and delayed messages in the future. One suggestion for improvement is to have more community-based QA teams or forums to ensure feature stability and test coverage.


Date published
June 2, 2021

Jonathan Ellis

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None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.