This article explains how to integrate CockroachDB, a distributed SQL database, with AWS Redshift, a leading data warehousing solution by Amazon Web Services, to analyze data and develop insights that are critical for developing cloud-native data pipelines. The integration uses Amazon S3 as an intermediary storage service to unlock powerful data workflows, enhance analytical capabilities, and drive actionable insights. By leveraging CDC (Change Data Capture) technology, the integration ensures real-time analytics, reporting, and business intelligence on current transactional data while maintaining data integrity across systems. This setup enables businesses to deliver personalized attention and immediate service, enhancing the overall customer experience. The process involves setting up a CockroachDB cluster on AWS, configuring it for CDC, creating a database and table, setting up an S3 bucket as the cloud storage sink, setting up an AWS Redshift cluster, creating a changefeed for the CockroachDB table, and continuous data loading between S3 and Redshift.