
Bose is Building Databases on Demand with Elastic, CockroachDB, and Kubernetes

What's this blog post about?

Bose has developed a platform as a service using open source tools such as CockroachDB, Elasticsearch, and Kubernetes. The company's Galapagos team aims to modernize its software by bringing cloud-connected experiences to all devices. They have adopted microservices architecture which led to the need for quickly spinning up data stores behind services. To address this, Bose extended Kubernetes to allow easy access to Elasticsearch, CockroachDB, and other popular data stores with a powerful, cost-effective, scalable, reliable solution. The tech stack also includes Kafka/MongoDB/Postgres for low availability versions of CockroachDB and Redis for sharing memory with other applications. Galapagos' goal is to create low friction ways for developers to work and use unfamiliar tools quickly and easily.

Cockroach Labs

Date published
Jan. 13, 2021

Charlotte Dillon

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.