
3 Ways to Master Stateful Apps in Kubernetes

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Kubernetes adoption has accelerated, leading to a new approach for building and delivering software. However, stateful app management presents a challenge due to its inherent dependencies. Three paths are available for organizations using Kubernetes to orchestrate stateful apps: running outside Kubernetes, using cloud services, or running in native Kubernetes. The first option involves additional operations workload but provides maximum choice. The second option leverages cloud services and eliminates redundant infrastructure stack through external services but limits control over the database. The third option maximizes integration and automation while retaining more workload controls. Key controllers for stateful apps include StatefulSet, which manages pods with unique IDs, and DaemonSet, which ensures all nodes run a copy of a pod.

Cockroach Labs

Date published
Feb. 23, 2021

Sean Loiselle

Word count

Hacker News points


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.