
Why the official GitHub Slack integration is outdated

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The official GitHub Slack integration is limited in its customization options and functionality. It notifies each engineer individually instead of warning only the rest of the team, alerts the whole team for each action, making it hard to keep track of important actions due to noise, and doesn't allow for conversation within the GitHub channel. Axolo is an alternative solution that offers more customizable features such as support for ephemeral channels, two-way synchronization, daily pull request reminders, CI/CD notifications in Slack, PR recaps for stand-ups, and code review time slots to help developers stay focused on their tasks. Many users have switched from the official GitHub integration to Axolo for a better development workflow.


Date published
May 8, 2023

Arthur Coudouy

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.