
Real-Time Video Resolution: Making the Best Choice for Your Use Case

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Yaniv Elmadawi, Agora VP of Solutions and Technology Services, explains that the highest resolution is not always the best choice for real-time video applications. Factors such as app usage, targeted users, devices, and environment should be considered when deciding on a resolution. While high resolutions are common in on-demand video streaming like Netflix or Hulu, they may not be necessary for real-time interactive video chat and streaming. Real-time video requires no buffering time and has different technical tradeoffs compared to VOD. Agora's RTE Platform supports various voice and video chat and streaming use cases with its low-latency network, secure SDKs, and flexible APIs.


Date published
July 22, 2021

Yaniv Elmadawi

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.