
Taking In-Memory NoSQL to the Next Level

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The first in-memory NoSQL cloud has been launched, aiming to revolutionize how Memcached and Redis are used. Both RAM-based data stores are increasingly adopted by web applications for scaling out their data tier and improving performance. However, challenges arise with cloud computing, necessitating a more efficient way of operating these systems. Memcached is widely used by companies like Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, and YouTube to handle millions of queries per second. Local Memcached caching is simple but may not be sufficient for large-scale applications or when data needs to be shared across multiple servers. Distributed Memcached offers improved scalability but has inherent deficiencies. Redis, an open-source key-value NoSQL database, solves some of Memcached's issues but still faces challenges in high availability and efficient scaling. The Garantia Data In-Memory NoSQL Cloud is a new cloud service that offloads the burden of operating, monitoring, handling failures, and scaling Memcached or Redis from application operators. This service offers features such as scalability, high availability, performance optimization, data security, operational ease, and cost efficiency. A closed beta trial with 20 participating companies has successfully tested and verified these features.


Date published
June 14, 2012

Ofer Bengal

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.