
Recapping the AI, Machine Learning and Data Science Meetup — April 18, 2024

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The April '24 AI, Machine Learning, and Data Science Meetup recently took place, featuring presentations on resource-efficient text-to-image generative models, graph data patterns with knowledge graphs, optimizing training data, and exploring multimodal models. Maitreya Patel discussed ECLIPSE, a novel contrastive learning method for efficient T2I generation, while Andreas Kollegger presented GraphRAG, a model that uses Knowledge Graphs in RAG context. Mark Cox-Smith talked about optimizing training data with Voxel51 and V7 Darwin integration, and Harpreet Sahota demonstrated the use of fiftyone to evaluate LlaVa models on the TextQA dataset. Upcoming Meetups will take place in various locations worldwide, including Athens, Austin, Bangalore, Boston, Chicago, London, New York, Peninsula, San Francisco, Seattle, Silicon Valley, and Toronto.


Date published
April 18, 2024

Jimmy Guerrero

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.