
What to Expect at LaunchDarkly Galaxy

What's this blog post about?

LaunchDarkly is hosting a free, half-day user conference called Galaxy on Wednesday, April 7th. The event will feature presentations from customers such as RyanAir, Hulu, iPipeline, and Pearson Education, discussing topics like scaling to massive amounts of data and migration best practices. There will also be opportunities for networking with other LaunchDarkly users and sponsors Quantum Metric and Tray.io. Additionally, attendees can participate in a hands-on LaunchDarkly training called Space Camp on Tuesday, April 6th, which costs $100 per person and covers creating feature flags and best practices. This will be the only LaunchDarkly user conference in 2021, so register now to attend.


Date published
April 1, 2021

Heidi Waterhouse

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.