
NDC Sydney: Developer Tools Down Under

What's this blog post about?

The Norwegian Developer Conference (NDC) held in Sydney recently featured a talk by Dolphin on "Faster and less risky releases with feature flags". NDC focuses on Microsoft technologies and Agile, attracting developers from various parts of Australia and international speakers. The event included practical and theoretical talks, as well as networking opportunities such as a boat cruise and PubConf. Dolphin's talk on feature flagging was well-received by attendees who were either already using the technique or looking to incorporate it into their development process. Overall, NDC Sydney offered valuable insights for developers interested in both practical and cultural aspects of technology and fostered connections with friendly Australian developers.


Date published
Aug. 10, 2016

Edith Harbaugh

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.