
Dark Launching Meetup: Lessons Learned

What's this blog post about?

The first Dark Launching meetup was hosted in May, with a surprisingly large turnout of people interested in learning about dark launching itself. Dark launching is a best practice used by companies like Facebook to launch new features "dark" (off), then slowly light up (turn on) features for different users. The purpose of this approach is to mitigate the risk of bad releases and allow for easy turning off of features if issues are found. Despite thorough testing, real-world scenarios can still lead to unforeseen problems, making dark launching a valuable tool in ensuring user satisfaction. The meetup group plans to share more stories and lessons learned at future events.


Date published
July 8, 2015

Edith Harbaugh

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.