
LangGraph: Multi-Agent Workflows

What's this blog post about?

LangGraph is a new package for creating LLM workflows containing cycles, which are crucial components of most agent runtimes. Today, we're highlighting multi-agent workflows using LangGraph. Multi-agent designs allow dividing complicated problems into tractable units of work that can be targeted by specialized agents and LLM programs. We've added three separate examples of multi-agent workflows to the langgraph repo: Multi Agent Collaboration, Agent Supervisor, and Hierarchical Agent Teams. Additionally, we're excited to highlight a few applications built on top of LangGraph that utilize the concept of multiple agents, such as GPT-Newspaper and CrewAI.


Date published
Jan. 23, 2024

By LangChain

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.