
How to Use Playwright Wait For Navigation Methods

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Playwright is an open-source automation testing framework for browser and web application testing that can perform tests on browsers like Chromium, Firefox, and WebKit in headless or headed mode with support for programming languages like Node.js, Python, .NET, and Java. It provides methods to wait for navigation, ensuring that automated tasks are performed only when the page’s content is fully loaded. These methods include: 1. page.wait_for_event(): Waits for a specific event (such as a load event) to occur on a web page before proceeding with further actions. 2. page.wait_for_function(): Waits for a JavaScript function or expression to resolve to a truthy value. 3. page.wait_for_load_state(): Resolves when a web page has reached an expected load state. 4. page.wait_for_url(): Allows a web page’s main frame to navigate to a new URL or match a URL pattern. These methods help ensure smooth, error-free interactions by waiting for events like page loads or button clicks to complete before moving on and prevent errors when accessing dynamic elements or content not updated in the Document Object Model (DOM).


Date published
May 14, 2024


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None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.