
June 2023 newsletter: Catalog vs. Thanos: Who came out on top?

What's this blog post about?

In June 2023 newsletter, incident.io highlights the power of their latest product, Catalog, which decisively won against Thanos in a metaphorical showdown. Catalog is designed to be a map of everything that exists within an organization and helps level up incident response by identifying responsible parties for impacted services. The company also launched Learning Flows, allowing teams to define post-incident processes. Additionally, they shared insights on how their product team uses Catalog and announced the refreshment of their Practical Guide to Incident Management with new sections on incident response insights. Lastly, incident.io encourages readers to explore a demo of their platform.


Date published
July 13, 2023


Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.