
How Hookdeck unlocked 100x event scale at Churnkey

What's this blog post about?

Churnkey, a platform that helps businesses predict and prevent customer churn, faced challenges with managing large volumes of data from various sources. Their homegrown webhook solution struggled to scale as their customer base grew, leading them to seek a more reliable and scalable solution. They discovered Hookdeck, which provided the necessary scalability, reliability, and observability without requiring extensive integration or maintenance. By adopting Hookdeck, Churnkey was able to reduce unnecessary inbound events by 50%, scale their operations to handle larger volumes of data, ensure event delivery reliability, and simplify development and testing processes.


Date published
Sept. 20, 2024

Phil Leggetter

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.