
Dealing With Webhooks Sucks But There’s Something You Can Do About It

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Dealing with multiple incoming webhooks from various APIs such as Shopify, Stripe, and Intercom can be challenging due to potential human errors or unexpected payload changes. The recommended approach is to use queues for postponing meaningful processing of webhooks, but this requires setting up additional services and dedicating significant time. Most developers rely on the platform's automatic retry feature instead. However, each platform has its own rules and logic regarding retries, making it complex to manage multiple APIs. Hookdeck is a solution that provides full visibility over all webhooks, allows actions on failures, alerts on issues, and works across various platforms with standardized retry and alerting rules.


Date published
Aug. 1, 2020

Alexandre Bouchard

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.