
Case Study: How Pulley Cut Development Time by 50% with Hasura

What's this blog post about?

Pulley, an alumnus of YCombinator 2020, used Hasura's GraphQL engine to cut development time by 50% and build their product in just three months. The company leveraged Hasura features such as auto-generated GraphQL schemas and resolvers for over 50 database tables, data migrations, security and permissions model, and fast performance. Pulley's technical architecture was composed of a Postgres database, backend written in Go, and web front end using React. They chose Hasura to manage their cap table and employee equity, helping startups manage stock options and perform pro forma modeling to optimize their equity.


Date published
May 18, 2021

Steven Yi

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.