Introducing the Gitpod CLI ⚡️
Date published
Dec. 18, 2023
Once the CLI is installed, you can authenticate using the browser or tokens. In this demo ill be logging into gitpod cloud now lets create a workspace using the workspace Create command. The open flag opens the workspace in my default versus code in the browser, but can also be overridden with a different editor. Using the editor flag, you can also create a new workspace with ssh. The gitpod CLI can be used to list, start, and delete workspaces right from the command line. Use Gitpod help to explore all the available commands. And there you have it, the gitpod CLI. We're so excited to see what you build. If you have any feedback or comments as we continue to build out the functionality of the CLI, we'd love to hear them head over to gitpod IO chat. See you there.