
Runners: Self-host Gitpod in under 3 minutes

What's this blog post about?

On October 1, 2024, Gitpod Flex was launched and made available for self-hosting in under 3 minutes. The unique runner-based infrastructure ensures security of source code and fast installation with virtually zero fixed costs. Runners are single-tenant orchestrators that isolate sensitive information related to development environments within a private network. AWS is the first supported runner, with more planned. Operational tasks such as scaling, backup, caching, and version updating are handled by runners. Installation of a runner takes around 3 minutes and requires access to an AWS account. The fixed costs are virtually zero and covered by the AWS free tier.


Date published
Oct. 9, 2024

Talia Moyal

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.