
How to Build a Modern Data Stack From the Ground Up

What's this blog post about?

In a recent presentation at the Modern Data Stack Conference EMEA, data architecture expert Nas Radev shared insights on building a modern data stack from scratch. The components of such a stack include a data ingestion solution, a data warehouse or data lake, a transformation tool, and a business intelligence (BI) tool. To successfully build this stack, businesses must first identify their data sources and choose the right ingestion tool. Next, they should plan for transformation and select a suitable data warehouse, possibly using an open-source tool like dbt to simplify the process. Finally, they need to pick a BI tool that aligns with their specific use case. Throughout this process, Radev emphasizes the importance of maintaining high data quality across all components to ensure success.


Date published
July 8, 2021

Ciara Roca

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.