
Guest Post: When Your DWH Is Not a DWH

What's this blog post about?

The article discusses eight red flags that indicate an organization does not have a proper data warehouse (DWH) or is using it incorrectly. These include using a production database, relying on a replication server, having ETL and read-only access DWH, using NoSQL databases, lacking support for window functions, resorting to spreadsheet marts, utilizing federated queries and virtualization, and maintaining separate data marts instead of fully modeling the data. The author emphasizes that while deviating from standard SQL-based columnar data storage can be done intentionally, it should only occur when there is a clear understanding of why such a change is necessary.


Date published
Nov. 5, 2019

Michael O'Toole

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.