
Credit Cards Welcome!

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Fivetran now offers an online purchasing option where users can "pay as you go" with a credit card. This new feature allows for quick, easy and flexible trial of the service without the need for a full-year commitment or sales-led contracting process. Users can enjoy the full power of data replication during their free 14-day trial period and start consuming Monthly Active Records (MAR) at the end of the trial with monthly billing in arrears. The online purchasing option provides financial flexibility, enabling users to manage cash flow as needed, upgrade or downgrade plans, cancel self-service plan anytime, and accommodate changes in analytical needs. Additionally, all plans purchased through the app qualify for 24/7 customer support.


Date published
Sept. 8, 2020

Alexa Maturana-Lowe

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.