
Case Study: Migrating from Redis to Dragonfly to Scale IoT Infrastructure

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SmartGPS, a rapidly growing vehicle tracking and IoT startup in Latin America, has found success with Dragonfly as an alternative to Redis for its in-memory data store. While Redis provided speed, it struggled to scale as the company's customer base grew and traffic patterns became more unpredictable. After evaluating several options, SmartGPS chose Dragonfly due to its compatibility with Redis, maturity, and ability to handle peak traffic loads without compromising performance or data integrity. The easy migration process allowed SmartGPS to maintain their existing codebase while improving the reliability of their service. With Dragonfly supporting speed and scale, SmartGPS can now confidently onboard new customers and grow without fear of their service going down.


Date published
Sept. 24, 2024

Nick Gottlieb

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.