
What is MarTech?

What's this blog post about?

MarTech is a combination of Marketing and Technology that encompasses various software, tools, platforms, and technologies used by organizations to achieve their marketing goals through automation. It includes marketing tools, platforms, software, analytics, and more. A MarTech stack typically consists of these components working together to empower the marketing team. The importance of MarTech has grown due to the increasing amount of data available to marketers, which requires technology to manage effectively. Key functions of MarTech include managing assets, social media engagement, and expanding marketing reach. Building a successful MarTech stack involves defining goals, selecting appropriate tools, mapping customer journeys, and integrating a modern data stack for efficient tracking and analysis of collected data. Challenges in implementing MarTech include choosing the right tech, bringing staff on board with new systems, and cutting through data noise to derive actionable insights.


Date published
Sept. 27, 2022

e phrase MarTech is actually quite simple. It’s just a portmanteau of Marketing and Technology.

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None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.