
Real-time routing of conversational data is table stakes for enterprises

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Real-time routing of conversational data is crucial for enterprises as voice data becomes increasingly valuable. Currently, 66% of organizations struggle to capture and utilize the vast amount of voice and unstructured/structured data flowing through their business daily. This hinders them from tapping into AI-driven insights that could optimize customer experience (CX), improve sales performance, enhance compliance, and drive process efficiencies through automation. To overcome these barriers, companies should look for call recording vendors that can capture every conversation across the organization and provide access to aggregated voice data sets for use in transcription engines of their choice. This approach will become increasingly important as real-time data with context becomes a standard requirement in many leading enterprise operations.


Date published
July 8, 2021

Richard Stevenson

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.