
Cześć! We’re Releasing a Base Polish (beta) Speech-to-Text Language Model

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Deepgram has released a beta Base Polish Speech-to-Text Language Model for its platform, aiming to support the sixth most spoken language in the European Union (EU). The model is designed to transcribe Polish speakers accurately and can be used with various use cases such as Phone Calls, Meetings, Voicemails, and Conversational AI. Developers can leverage this model for tasks like transcribing recordings from call centers or increasing the productivity of their sales teams. Deepgram also offers high accuracy in transcription and supports both pre-recorded and streaming audio formats. The company plans to expand its EU language capabilities further in the coming months to cater to a growing global customer base.


Date published
Sept. 3, 2022

Katie Byrne

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None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.