
Getting started with the DataStax C/C++ driver

What's this blog post about?

The DataStax C/C++ driver is a new member of the DataStax drivers family, with its first release candidate recently launched. Its main focus has been on feature parity with other drivers and finalizing the API. This post provides introductory documentation for using the driver, while more in-depth documentation can be found in the header file and examples provided with the driver. The driver's API is designed to prevent application blocking during operations like connecting to a cluster or running a query. Queries are constructed using CassStatement objects, which can be regular or prepared statements. Prepared statements cache queries on the Cassandra server for improved performance. Results from queries can be retrieved and iterated over using appropriate iterator objects. Large result sets can be divided into multiple pages automatically using the driver's paging API. Batches can be used to group multiple mutations together into a single statement, with different types of batches available depending on the use case.


Date published
Dec. 30, 2014

Michael Penick

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.