
Developer Newsletter: DataStax Examples: Your One-Stop Shop for Copy-Paste Code

What's this blog post about?

The DataStax Examples program has been launched, aiming to provide a collection of code samples and demo applications for the Cassandra community. This initiative is guest-edited by Rebecca Mills. One example highlighted in this newsletter is a REST backend built in Java using Spring Boot for use with the Getting Started with Astra UI. The application serves as the connection between the UI and an underlying Astra database, allowing users to visualize and interact with API resources. Additionally, there's an option to build a Docker image of this project for faster setup. DataStax is seeking community contributors to grow the program further. An 8-week Cassandra Workshop series will begin on July 1st, aimed at building proficiency in Apache Cassandraâ„¢ and preparing participants for free developer or administrator certification exams. Community highlights from Cassandra.Link are also shared.


Date published
June 26, 2020

Rebecca Mills

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.