
Datadog Mobile RUM now supports React Native monitoring

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React Native is an open-source framework used for building cross-platform mobile applications. While it abstracts away device-specific architecture and APIs, developers still need to monitor their applications in production to ensure the best user experience. Datadog Real User Monitoring (RUM) provides detailed insights into user behavior and application performance across mobile devices and browsers. Mobile RUM supports React Native monitoring, allowing developers to track errors, crashes, launch time, user actions, and network requests. It also offers comprehensive visibility into user behavior, helps identify which errors need immediate attention, and assists in finding the causes of long load times and dropped frames. With Datadog's Mobile RUM SDK, developers can easily set up monitoring for their React Native applications with minimal configuration.


Date published
July 10, 2023

Priyanshi Gupta, Paul Gottschling

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.