
How to monitor Cassandra performance metrics

What's this blog post about?

Apache Cassandra is a distributed database system known for its scalability and fault-tolerance. Monitoring Cassandra performance helps identify slowdowns or resource limitations and includes tracking throughput, latency, disk usage, garbage collection frequency and duration, and errors and overruns. Key metrics to monitor include read and write requests per second, write response time in microseconds, read response time in microseconds, key cache hit rate, load or total disk space used, completed compaction tasks, pending compaction tasks, ParNew count, ParNew time, ConcurrentMarkSweep count, ConcurrentMarkSweep time, exceptions, timeout exceptions, unavailable exceptions, pending tasks, and currently blocked tasks.


Date published
Dec. 3, 2015

John Matson

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.