
Centralize your logs with Datadog and Fluent Bit

What's this blog post about?

Fluent Bit is a lightweight log data collector and forwarder that works well in environments with limited resources such as containerized services and embedded Linux systems. It has recently added support for Datadog, allowing users to visualize and analyze their logs alongside application metrics and traces. The integration involves adding an output section to the Fluent Bit configuration file, which enables log data routing from Fluent Bit to Datadog's logging endpoint over a secure SSL-encrypted TCP connection. This integration helps in troubleshooting issues by allowing users to pivot from one datapoint to another and explore trends in their applications.


Date published
Oct. 8, 2019

Mallory Mooney

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.