
Join us in NYC for Dash 2019

What's this blog post about?

Dash 2019, Datadog's conference on building and scaling the next generation of applications, infrastructure, and technical teams, will be held in New York City on July 16 & 17. The two-day event will feature presentations, hands-on workshops, and networking opportunities for software developers and operations engineers. Last year's Dash conference included keynotes from industry leaders and breakout sessions covering topics such as performance, scalability, and teams. For Dash 2019, attendees can expect an even larger selection of sessions, workshops, and dining options with a stunning view of the Hudson River. Early-bird pricing is available for those who register soon.


Date published
Jan. 23, 2019

Ilan Rabinovitch

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.