
Automate incident response and security workflows with Blink in the Datadog Marketplace

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Blink is a no-code security platform that streamlines workflows for Security and DevOps engineers by automating tasks such as incident response, honeypotting, recovery, and remediation. Datadog now offers an out-of-the-box Blink integration and software license through the Datadog Marketplace. This integration allows users to create workflow automations that enhance infrastructure monitoring, cyber incident response, and enrich Datadog alerts. By leveraging native Datadog actions, such as creating a monitor or querying metrics, users can automate processes and better enforce security guardrails. The Blink integration complements other Datadog features like Incident Management, Cloud Security Monitoring, SIEM, Infrastructure Monitoring, Container Monitoring, and more.


Date published
Aug. 30, 2023

Nicholas Thomson

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.