
Why do outages still happen in 2021?

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Despite advancements in technology, outages still occur in 2021. While some are unavoidable due to natural disasters or human error, many can be prevented by adopting resilient systems and cloud-native solutions. Highly available systems have evolved from redundant components within a single machine to large clusters of machines that can failover without affecting the service. However, even tech giants like Facebook and Google experience outages due to network configuration errors or other issues. Companies using legacy technology are often locked into long contracts and focus on disaster recovery rather than prevention. Building for resiliency involves automating disaster testing, choosing self-healing databases, and replicating data for redundancy. The path towards resilience already exists, but many organizations need to transition from legacy tech to cloud-native solutions.

Cockroach Labs

Date published
March 23, 2021

Peter Mattis

Word count

Hacker News points


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.