
Cloud Journeys: Multi-Cloud and Beyond with Distributed SQL

What's this blog post about?

The report "The State of Multi-Cloud 2024" reveals that 50% of surveyed companies have adopted multi-cloud or hybrid solutions, with businesses increasingly investing in multi-cloud strategies for data modernization. CockroachDB's elastically scalable SQL system has been instrumental in helping companies navigate this complex journey. The benefits of working with CockroachDB to achieve multi-cloud include avoiding vendor lock-in, enhancing resilience, and enabling cloud portability. Examples from fintech companies, payment processing platforms, large banks, and media conglomerates demonstrate how CockroachDB has supported their transition to multi-cloud deployments, improving operational efficiency, ensuring high availability and resilience, and mitigating the risk of vendor lock-in.

Cockroach Labs

Date published
Nov. 12, 2024

Becca Weng

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.