
Cloudflare invites visiting researchers

What's this blog post about?

Cloudflare, a company focused on building collaborations with academia, has introduced a Visiting Researcher program aimed at fostering shared motivation and engagement between the industry and academic researchers. The program is open to postdocs and full-time faculty members who have a PhD and a well-established research track record in areas such as applied cryptography, privacy, network protocols, architecture, measurement, performance evaluation, and distributed systems. Successful expressions of interest should aim at wide dissemination and have the potential to deliver value to both technical and academic communities. The program is designed to support the operationalization of ideas that emerge in academia and put them to the test in deployable services used worldwide.


Date published
Oct. 11, 2021

Vânia Gonçalves, Thomas Ristenpart

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.