
Update on recent VoIP attacks: What should I do if I’m attacked?

What's this blog post about?

Attackers are increasingly targeting VoIP infrastructure worldwide, using off-the-shelf booter services and various attack vectors such as TCP floods, UDP floods, and SIP protocol-specific attacks. Companies can prepare by deploying always-on DDoS mitigation services like Cloudflare Magic Transit, enforcing a positive security model, building custom mitigation strategies, and educating employees on ransom demands. If attacked, companies should not pay the ransom, notify their DDoS protection vendor, local law enforcement, and seek assistance from Cloudflare to protect their networks and maintain service quality.


Date published
Oct. 7, 2021

Omer Yoachimik, Vivek Ganti, Alex Forster

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.