
Serverless Progressive Web Apps using React with Cloudflare Workers

What's this blog post about?

Sevki Hasirci shares his experience of building Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) using Cloudflare's network and a single JavaScript bundle that runs both in the browser and on Cloudflare Workers without modification. The same code can be used for rendering pages, making it isomorphic. PWA features include offline functionality, background work, and notifications. This technique allows developers to build applications that run exactly the same on the server as they do in the browser, with no additional cost when online and still working offline if JavaScript is disabled or the browser doesn't support it. The code for this blog post is available on Cloudflare's GitHub.


Date published
Nov. 23, 2018

Sevki Hasirci

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.