
The Internet is Getting Safer: Fall 2020 RPKI Update

What's this blog post about?

The Internet's security is being improved through Routing Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI), which provides a source of truth for IP addresses and Autonomous Systems in signed cryptographically signed records called Route Origin Objects. Since the launch of the website "isbgpsafeyet.com" to test if ISPs correctly perform BGP Origin Validation, there has been significant growth in RPKI deployment across all network operators. Currently, 25% of routes are signed and 20% of the Internet is doing origin validation, with major transit providers such as Cogent, GTT, Hurricane Electric, NTT, and Telia making downstream networks more secure without them having to deploy validation software. The growth of RPKI adoption is expected to continue, leading to a safer Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) routing system in the future.


Date published
Nov. 6, 2020

Louis Poinsignon

Word count

Hacker News points


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.