
Protecting Cloudflare Customers from BGP Insecurity with Route Leak Detection

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Cloudflare has introduced Route Leak Detection, a new feature that alerts customers when their onboarded prefixes are being leaked or hijacked by unauthorized parties. Route leaks occur when a network incorrectly advertises routes for traffic that is not supposed to go through them, potentially causing congestion and data leak implications. The detection system helps protect networks from such attacks by providing timely information about route leaks, enabling customers to respond quickly and mitigate the issue. Cloudflare's alert notification system supports webhooks, email, and PagerDuty, ensuring that teams are kept up-to-date across their preferred mediums. The company also encourages the adoption of RPKI (Resource Public Key Infrastructure) as a preventive measure against route leaks.


Date published
March 25, 2021

David Tuber

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.