
Introducing Digital Experience Monitoring

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Cloudflare has introduced new features to its Zero Trust platform that provide more detailed insights into how well users are experiencing applications managed by the security company's technology. The new features include: 1. Digital Experience Monitoring (DEM) for capturing and analyzing data on application availability, performance, and user experience. 2. Synthetic Application Monitoring for creating synthetic tests to monitor endpoint connectivity to public-facing applications or services. 3. Network Path Visualization to view hop-by-hop telemetry data representing the critical path between users and endpoints. These new features aim to improve the overall user experience, reduce IT support ticket volumes, and enable proactive communication of application performance issues. The availability of these features is expected to increase adoption of Cloudflare's Zero Trust platform.


Date published
Jan. 9, 2023

Abe Carryl, Matt Lewis

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.