
The Network is the Computer: A Conversation with Greg Papadopoulos

What's this blog post about?

In this conversation, Greg Papadopoulos, former CTO of Sun Microsystems, discusses the origins and meaning of "The Network is the Computer," a phrase coined by Sun in the 1980s. He explains how the idea has evolved over time to become more relevant with advancements in cloud computing and distributed networks. Papadopoulos also touches on the inevitability of latency, the limitations imposed by the speed of light, and the future of Cloudflare's newly acquired trademark. The discussion highlights the importance of network architecture, security, and the role of companies like Sun and Cloudflare in shaping the evolution of computing technology.


Date published
July 11, 2019

John Graham-Cumming

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.