
Global Thanks

What's this blog post about?

On November 24th, 2011, John Roberts from Cloudflare expressed gratitude towards their worldwide community who use their services to make websites faster and safer. They highlighted that they serve a global audience with a global network and remember this every day, not just during holidays. To make their service more accessible, Cloudflare uses the Smartling platform to offer their website in 31 languages. In the few months since starting this community translation effort, customers have translated 20,000 words in 16 languages. They recognized some of the most prolific translators and encouraged others to join by registering at translate.cloudflare.com. The same translation tool is available for other websites on Cloudflare via the Smartling app.


Date published
Nov. 24, 2011

John Roberts

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.